
Practical Spreadsheet Modeling Using @Risk

by Dale Lehman, Huybert Groenendaal

Published in 2019, this book focuses on building practical simulation models in a variety of situations, using the @RISK software. If used within a university/educational program, it comes with a (free) 1-year trial license of the Palisade DecisionTools Suite Industrial; see

You can read  more about the book at the publisher’s website publisher's website.

Finally, on this page, we have posted all spreadsheet files for the book.

Risk modeling for appraising named peril index insurance products: a guide for practitioners (English)

by Shadreck Mapfumo, Huybert Groenendaal, and Chloe Djenne Dugger

Obtaining protection against financial losses such as draught, heatwaves and typhoons is often difficult or impossible for small firms in developing countries. Index insurance, a relatively new insurance product, is a financial instrument that can however provide a low-cost risk management solution. While index insurance has a clear potential to improve resilience and risk management for vulnerable populations, it is often perceived as complex and difficult to be evaluated.

As part of our efforts to give back to the community, we worked together with The World Bank, on a handbook on how to approach and perform risk modeling to appraise named peril index insurance products. Dr. Huybert Groenendaal was one of the three co-authors, and both Dr. Kurt Rinehart and Dr. Francisco Zagmutt contributed to several parts of the handbook.

You can read a summary of the handbook, and download the full book for free at

Practical Spreadsheet Risk Modeling for Management

by Dale Lehman, Huybert Groenendaal, and Greg Nolder

Published in 2011, we co-authored this book with the purpose of providing practical examples of how risk modeling can help support real-life problems. The book is less focused on the theoretical aspects.

You can read more about the book on the publisher’s websitepublisher's website.

Urban Water Security: Managing Risks

by I. Navarro, and Francisco Zagmutt

Published in 2008, this book was co-authored by a diverse team of specialist to delineate the impact of urbanization on the urban water cycle, and discuss the management of its associated health risks. The chapter co-authored by EpiX focused on chemical health risks in urban water.

You can read more about the book on the publisher’s websitepublisher's website.