ASF Risk Webinars
Webinar series: optimization of testing strategy for ASF on-farm surveillance
In addition to on-site workshops, a series of webinars were delivered during spring of 2020 to cover concepts and methods relevant to on-farm surveillance and ASF testing strategy. The target audience for these webinars is decision-makers and senior technical staff from commercial pig farms.
Please email if you are involved in the pig production industry in Vietnam and would like to participate in this program.
Background webinar on African Swine Fever Epidemiology and Control (download pdf)
Webinar #1: Introduction to ASF monitoring and control (March 17, 2020) (download pdf)
Webinar #2: Diagnostic tests for ASF and their interpretation (March 31, 2020) (download pdf)
Webinar #3: ASF on-farm surveillance: principles and concepts (April 14, 2020) (download pdf)
Webinar #4: Optimization of testing strategy for ASF on farm surveillance (April 28, 2020) (download pdf)