Quantitative Modeling and Risk Analysis
How we can help
Risk and uncertainties infuse everything we do, and every decision we make. We help your organization move forward confidently by analyzing complex and uncertain systems, and understanding the amount of risk inherent in specific actions. Working closely with your organization, we ask questions to gain an understanding of the issues at hand and correctly frame the decision you are seeking clarification of. We then apply that framework to build quantitative models and/or conduct quantitative risk analyses (QRA) that get you the specific answers you need.
Human & Public Health
We use QRA to assess risks to human populations from infectious diseases, chemical or radiological hazards; identify key drivers and uncertainties; and determine options for mitigation.
Animal Health
We conduct QRA to estimate probabilities of animal disease introduction and spread, and support risk reduction strategies—at animal, herd, national, or international levels.
Food Safety & Nutrition
We develop QRA models to quantify health impacts, including foodborne illnesses, cancers, and chronic diseases, associated with certain foods, and derive guidelines for safe consumption.
Business Analytics
Using QRA to quantify risks and uncover key risk drivers associated with products, investments, business portfolios, or strategies, we support informed decisions.
Human & Public Health
We use quantitative models and QRA to assess risks to human populations from infectious diseases, chemical or radiological hazards; identify key drivers and uncertainties; and determine options for mitigation.
Animal Health
We conduct QRA, simulation modeling and other analytics to estimate probabilities of animal disease introduction and spread, and support risk reduction strategies—at animal, herd, national, or international levels.
Food Safety & Nutrition
We develop QRA and other quantitative models to quantify health impacts, including foodborne illnesses, cancers, and chronic diseases, associated with certain foods, and derive guidelines for safe consumption.
Business Analytics
We support informed decision by using QRA and other advanced analytics to quantify risks and uncover key risk drivers associated with products, investments, business portfolios, or strategies.